Most people have a hard time seeing the 10,000 year old California Native American society as an advanced thriving civilization populating every corner of the state and living in accordance with the natural, ever-evolving world. Think earthquakes, fire, droughts, and floods.
The lush paradise of California.
Recognize. Respect. Protect.
Right now just about the only people who are even aware of a history that pre-dates the pyramids in Egypt are those of you who are reading our emails.
Bob Bardell wrote this article 10 years ago to point out the central importance of the main Volvon Village to this larger scenario.
We have since advanced to recording over 80 village and camp sites in Volvon Territory.

Read Tom Stienstra’s San Francisco Chronicle article on Volvon National Park.
And our initial proposal to the East Bay Regional Park District
and the Contra Costa County Water District, who at present control access to this property.
EBRPD 2018 Partial Response:
In 2011 the Park district was considering the development of a Cultural Resource Management Plan for the Morgan Territory area. This Plan was not developed and the Park District has no intention of doing so at this time.
CCWD 2018 Partial Response:
The location of specific cultural sites is confidential, and access is restricted. CCWD is not interested in opening these protected areas to the public or developing the area into a visitor attraction.
Grazing in or near culturally sensitive areas is conducted in a way that minimizes or avoids impact to the resources.
To quote The Talking Heads and David Byrne, things are “The Same as it Ever Was”

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