Thank you Bev Ortiz, East Bay Regional Park District’s Cultural Services Coordinator, for the best display we’ve seen of our Native American’s history and story today.
Go and read all the text on all of the displays. Take your kids. Watch and listen to the short great videos on balsa boat and basket making.

Linda Yamane, premier basket maker, is featured in the videos.Watch and Listen.

There are a couple very cool dioramas.

Apparently there are 4 distinct shell mounds dating back 2500 years in the wonderful marshlands of this fantastic park. If you get out to the Alameda Creek Trail and look back at this mound from above it is really quite remarkable.

Not sure if this is a Sweat Lodge or a Roundhouse.

The park offers immersive experiences on this sacred land from time to time.We did not try to get through this fence.

That’s the Alameda Creek channel right by it flowing into the bay. Try to imagine how many people may have lived along Alameda Creek in prehistoric times. This watershed extends all the way back into Henry Coe State Park. These shell mounds supplied vital food stuffs to people right up the creek and beyond.

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