Maidu Village and Museum – Roseville
Visit the Maidu Museum & Historic Site to learn about the Nisenan Maidu who called this site home for thousands of years.
Walk the trail to see hundreds of bedrock mortars, ancient petroglyphs, and a vast midden area.
The Maidu’s ancestral lands stretched from Mount Lassen in the north to the Sierra Nevada mountains in the east, and from the Sacramento River in the west to the American River in the south.

The Museum has a nice collection of displays and artifacts.
The Maidu had a complex social order and religion, and traded with other tribes for ceremonies, socializing, and goods.
They used clamshell beads and magnesite stone beads as money.
There are still several Maidu tribes in California,
Today, there are nearly 2,000 Maidu people belonging to the Berry Creek, Enterprise and Mooretown Rancherias
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