Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park is a California State Park, preserving an outcropping of marbleized limestone with some 1,185 mortar holes— the largest collection of bedrock mortars in North America.
It is located in the Sierra Nevada foothills, 8 miles east of Jackson.
Worth a visit.
I believe a similar Roundhouse structure was at the main Volvon Village.
I attended a dance inside the Roundhouse during the Big Time. A wonderful experience.
The main grinding rock also features 363 petroglyphs— including circles, animal and human tracks, and wavy lines. Some of these carvings are thought to be as old as two or three thousand years; they are now becoming difficult to see. I think they are likely much older.
Not hard to imagine hundreds of Indians living here full time, and thousands during Big Times.
Chaw’se Big Time Celebration
In September every year
Dancing, hand games, singing, and storytelling. Spectators are welcome, but there is no fixed schedule of events.
Native American crafts and foods are available.