PCN Rock Art

The PCN – Pecked Curvilinear Nucleated Tradition

If you can understand that the PCN art on Ring Mountain represents perhaps thousands of years of significant importance to the people who lived here in the Bay Area then you will realize that what made it important then remains, making it important now.

These are cultural products and practices of native peoples of California and were done primarily during pre-historic times.

Not just relics or epiphenomena of the pre-historic past, the marked boulders are representations of meaningful social and cultural practices or rituals.

The basic elements are circles and ovals, which have nuclei that appear raised. They seldom occur in any discernable pattern. The elements are pecked into the surface of the rock.

Current thought held by some researchers is that some of the nucleated PCN centers had been removed to make charmstones.

Also, the use of powder from certain rocks in indigenous fertility rituals 
may inform us about the PCN tradition.

PCNs, are not isolated objects on the landscape, but rather manifestations of activities that have taken place, and, as such, have become part of the landscape. They have a story to tell.

Not just relics or epiphenomena of the pre-historic past, the marked boulders are representations of meaningful social and cultural practices and rituals. Even today, they are material manifestations that evoke history, memory and meanings.

Thank you Donna Gillette, 2011 Thesis