Clayton Ranch

Clayton Ranch Alignment


75 yard long curving stacked rock alignment.


Elevation 1552 ft.


Although the nearby tsektsel suggests this alignment might have had religious or spiritual significance for the Volvons, it’s possible the alignment functioned as a hunting blind.


Modern archaeologists dismiss all stacked rock alignments as not being of indigenous origin, but from early European settlers.


We disagree.





Another view of the alignment emphasizing its curvature.


Bob is sitting within the confines of a stacked rock rectangle attached to the alignment, an anomaly we have observed at other stacked rock alignments.

Clayton Ranch Tsektsel Probable Prayer Circle (tsektsel) Elevation 1520 ft.


The prayer circle is a ruin today–its once-stacked rocks likely knocked about by grazing cattle.


Mt. Diablo is still there though.




The Blaisdell Trail Rock Alignment


Right down the hill along a minor ridgeline lies this ancient buried treasure.


Who put it there and why?