Glen Cove

Glen Cove  – Benicia



Glen Cove Park, aka Sogorea Te 3,500 year old village site, shell midden, and burial ground. 20+ bedrock mortars visible at low tide on wave-cut benchs.


Inhabitants of this village crossed the Carquinez Strait in tule balsas to greet the Fages expedition in Crockett in 1772. Fages noted in his diary that one balsa carried five people.


Contemporary Indians were incensed that the City of Vallejo planned to develop Sogorea Te as a municipal park. 
After more than 100 days of Indian occupation and protest at Sogorea Te, the City of Vallejo cancelled plans to construct paved trails and place bathrooms on this sacred site. 
There might be a plaque there now.



Archeologists working for the University of California first surveyed the Glen Cove site in 1907. Since that time, hundreds of intact skeletal remains and cremations have been documented, along with thousands of sacred objects, tools, and other artifacts. Many sacred items and skeletons unearthed at Glen Cove have been stolen by archeologists and are housed in the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology at UC Berkeley.




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