Indigenize SF Project

It is wonderful to watch the growing enthusiasm of Bay Area Native Americans to reawaken and promote their rootedness in our current social, political, and spiritual culture.


Check these groups out and support them when you can.

AICD Indigenize Project


The citywide Indigenize Project is a placemaking and placekeeping initiative that focuses on honoring and celebrating American Indian culture, history, people, and contributions through art, pole banners, street signs, a genocide mapping project, and QR digital walking tours. This ongoing project is intended to create an interactive experience that will confront systematic erasure and expand the rich cultural heritage of San Francisco by increasing public awareness and elevating the visibility of local Native American culture and history through an Indigenous lens.


Branching out from our home base in the American Indian Cultural District, the Indigenize Project maps out works of art and educational destinations throughout the City creating a cultural trail for residents and visitors to learn and experience American Indian culture and history through the voice of the people. The Ramaytush Ohlone of the Bay Area, and greater intertribal American Indian population are not a people of the past, but an integral and active community in San Francisco.